iPad mounts and kneeboards


New member
Ok hopefully we won't beat a dead horse like in the Nexus vs.Ipad thread. But need some advice regarding the iPad. I just got a 64gb iPad. Actually I didn't have to decide between the iPad and Nexus as the decision was made for me by our township. Its going to save several feet of paper every year for each of the 5 elected supervisors as well as aid in review of plans and exhibits at public meetings as well as allow for committee meetings remotely if needed via face time.

So anyway since i have one now I may as well use it for aviation I'll decide on foreflight vs. navator or WingX later but the info I'm looking for is what mounts and / or knee boards POAers like for the iPad or does one even need the mounts and kneeboards its it just better to just toss it on the pax seat and pick it up now and then like a chart?
So far I've managed OK simply placing my iPad on my old style kneeboard. But since I still wear the Maui Jim polarized sunglasses I bought on Maui about 15 years ago or so, I have to lie the iPad down in landscape mode lest the image vanish in portrait mode. I do need to get something eventually that holds it more firmly for flying in turbulence.