Is it the failed public school or the “Parents”


New member
So with the nice weather I’ve had to chase off no less the three trespassers off my property in as many days.

One was a “kid” not really, by law sure, but the guy was at least 17, 5’8” a good 160lbs, the others were legal adult males.

My home has a good tree line, the property is obvious and has a tree line boarder and also a ranch style fence around it, minus the waterfront side and the long driveway, lots of times I’ll park my car one the road end of the driveway blocking access up my driveway, mostly for the lawn and trash guys to know I’m sleeping and on night shift and not to stop by.

What makes people think, “hey I should walk around this car and walk around this property?”

The “kid” kayaked up to the waterfront side, I found him with his fishing stuff sprawled all over my lawn.

The others walked around my car and up my driveway.

I asked each one what the F they were doing, they always say “oh I’ll leave” as if I was about to offer them to stay for dinner or something?

And I ask each one more or less the same thing,

“are you



Trying to get shot?”

The adults said more or less sorry, and walk off

The “kid” said something like “hey I’m just a kid” to which I replied that unless he wants to get a beat down like a man he needs to quit trespassing on peoples property.

What’s up with people?

I did all sorts of dumb stuff as a kid, but never did I go walking around on people property like that.

Rant off.
When I was growing up in Minnesota just outside a town, the operating rules seemed to be that you could cross someone else’s property, unless marked with a sign, but don’t get close to buildings or mess with their stuff.

In more urban areas, with smaller lots, just stay off because everywhere on the lot is close to buildings.

The examples which James cites seem a bit more intrusive than that.