Is virtually learning on a Cessna 172 then for real on a 152 a bad idea?


New member
Just planning out private pilot license training.

The idea of Gleim's private pilot training course that is integrated with X-Plane (simulation software), which allows you to go through the entire course before actually getting in a plane really appeals to my learning style and desire to "solo early" and complete as close to 40 hours as possible.

But Gleim's X-Plane integration is based on you using a Cessna 172. And, renting a Cessna 152 locally is about $37/hour less expensive than a Cessna 172.

Is learning virtually on a 172, and switching to a real 152 likely to throw off my training, or should that be a fairly easy conversion? Don't want to shoot myself in the foot...
I can confirm what many have expressed here -- don't try and substitute simulation time for time in the plane. I thought this might be a way to cut down on actual dual time needed, but am still unlearning some bad habits that came from using the simulator.

The lack of feel of the plane moving and lack of the big view provided by the cockpit window are the big problems, in my opinion.