Job hypothetical question


New member
So I'm probably going to be here a while longer but lets say there's a place I wanted to move to such as closer to family. Getting jobs in aviation is more about who you know than what you know. How do you approach a company you're interested in for a pilot job? I just see it as thats just not the way things are done and theres no way it's going to happen. I know I may also be low on experience. I have about 350 SIC king air time and around 40 SIC mustang time. Probably by the time I look I'll have some PIC time. Just looking for some ideas how to approach someone.
JHW said:
Privett handed me a stack of applications once, and asked me what I thought of them. I told him they all read as having more experience than mine would have if I had written a CV before he hired me. He asked me if I would hire any of them, I said no f way.
Why not?