Medical Marijuana

annie moluous

New member
Fighting chronic back pain, I have reduced my oxycodone from 30 to 5 mg/4 per day.
My neurologist suggests marijuana would be better for my health than the oxy.

IF I am one day able to quit the pain meds, I hope to regain my 3d class medical. I might try the injections, yoga is helping, etc.

My questions:
1. what is the strongest "pain relief" agent allowable to the FAA
2. are there any certification issues with the spinal injections?
3. how long must I be "off" the oxy before I can qualify, do I need special evaluations or ?
4. would there be any downside to taking my neurologist advice and using mj while I continue to wean off oxy-she suggests a mix of thc and cbd, she tells me that professional pilots are using the non-thc

I would appreciate any constructive feed back, please take this seriously. I certainly will hire a specialist before making any applications.
Dav8or said:
You do realize that the non flying public feels the same way about people flying little airplanes around, right? Are you not potentially endangering innocent lives just for your own pleasure?
Interesting point. And in truth, we all subject others to de minimus risks of harm every day in our usual activities.

The critical question is when does that risk rise to a level that others are justified in trying to stop or restrict us from doing so. For example, by flying planes around.

In my view this sort of decision should be based on a rational assessment of the risks involved. But in the case of aviation, it is clearly based more on knee jerk reactions to past events.

Nonetheless, in the case of marijuana use, I suspect the data is fairly clear of you are actively using there is a cognitive impairment that will prevent safe flying.