More oil in ND


New member
One of my current students started a company to serve the drilling industry working up on the Bakken reserves in western North Dakota. He's been driving back and forth from Minnesota with some of his employees and wants to be able to eventually fly back in forth (three hours instead of nine hours!.)

He told me today that in the last two weeks one company punched through to a new, unexplored third layer within the reserves and it produced such a gusher they didn't even bother to drill horizontally like they do with most of the wells. It's already producing 2,400 barrels a day. They're now re-evaluating the estimated reserves for the Bakken upward significantly.

Every little bit helps.
A niece of ours graduated with a chemical engineering degree last year and managed to get hired with Schlumberger. One of the places they said she was likely to be sent after training was Williston ND. Except for the fact that the oil boom has allegedly pretty much sucked up most or all the places to stay in that area.

I've read elsewhere that various logistical problems beyond housing (like transporting the oil) are likely to slow exploitation until they can catch up, which will take a few years.
One of my current students started a company to serve the drilling industry working up on the Bakken reserves in western North Dakota. He's been driving back and forth from Minnesota with some of his employees and wants to be able to eventually fly back in forth (three hours instead of nine hours!.)

He told me today that in the last two weeks one company punched through to a new, unexplored third layer within the reserves and it produced such a gusher they didn't even bother to drill horizontally like they do with most of the wells. It's already producing 2,400 barrels a day. They're now re-evaluating the estimated reserves for the Bakken upward significantly.

Every little bit helps.
Probably a related news story:

EDIT: Actually this next link appears to a February story that may be one of the reasons for the more recent story above; about a 5,000 barrel a day gusher: