[N/A] good fences make good neighbors


New member
I know, the answer will probably be "check with a lawyer".

Neighbor A has a fenced yard, neighbor B is contemplating attaching to that fence to close off B's yard.

A is already considering removing the fence (needs maintenance, not really necessary, ...)

A and B are both on good terms, no disputes, no problems.

How do A and B go about this - the fence is on A's side of the line, and A won't want to be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the shared section if the rest A's fence is removed. Selling that section for $1, or something like that, might not work since it's on the wrong side of the property line. A and B figure a handshake and beer will be good enough.

Is there a simple form or waiver that normally gets signed so that when A or B move (possibility in the next 5-10 yrs), the new owners, surveyors, and title companies, understand the situation?