N/A - Kindness Boomerang - N/A

Anthony said:
Neat. It is amazing how surprised people look when you do nice things for them.

Anybody figure out where this is? Which state/city?
Red Bank, New Jersey (its thanked in the credits at the end.)

Here's an article in Ad Week about the video:

The video is similar in concept to the "Pay it Forward" commercials by Liberty Mutual (LM), though as you can see in the LM commercial below, the people in it appear to be motivated by emulating what they see others doing, not by actions that directly benefited themselves. Ironically, while the LM commercial is self-serving of LM, the underlying causal links in their commercial are indirect, and to me seem more appropriate to fostering a "perform acts of kindness with no expectation of immediate reward" philosophy than that displayed in the Life Vest Inside video.

P.S. In the LM commercial, the first and last act shown are identical, so they appear to be caught in a causal loop! :wink2: