[NA]Youtube fail - ipad[NA]


New member
I can see most yt videos on the ipad but some simply give me a "Could not load movie OK" message.
I have tried accessing these via YT or through a link I mail myself and the same error.
Is it a flash thing?
Let'sgoflying! said:
why does a website know I have a mobile device at all?
How can I prevent it from knowing?
I will just use Safari to go online like on my laptop.
The web browser tells the web server the name of the software and platform.

But some browsers allow the user to change what the web browser sends. For example, there are other web browsers for the iPad that allow that (I downloaded one called Atomic Web that lets me change the claimed identity.)

But sometimes it accomplishes nothing; when I set Atomic Web to claim it is, say, Desktop Safari, or Internet Explorer, and then go to Youtube's web site, everything looks great. Alas, none of the videos can be viewed - Adobe Flash is needed, and that product isn't available for the iPad because Apple had issues with it.