New Guy in Arizona

Kevin Brown

New member
Hello all!
My name is Kevin and I'm an aspiring pilot. I've wanted to fly since as early as I can remember. Plans early on to be an Astronaut (!), following a career as a Naval Aviator (I was 14 when Top Gun came out).

Those plans derailed when I discovered Calculus (and realized how hard it was)...College took a back seat to bills. Ended up in the Navy, but nowhere near airplanes. Got married, had kids and the mortgage, and figured learning to fly was something only people with more money than me could afford.

I'm now in my mid-forties, and a conversation with a co-worker rekindled the spark!

I've just barely begun my research into programs/schools to get a PPL, but with each new bit of information I've only become more determined (and excited!) to fulfill this dream!

I've joined AOPA, and found this site. Lots and lots of info to pour over!
tlglenn said:
As much as I'd like to suggest Tucson and a visit to the air and space museum it's probably better to do an initial fly-in in the Phoenix area since it's more central and we want to encourage a large group of initial participants.
Well, it it’s supposed to be a fly-in, perhaps something a bit outside Phoenix would be good? Otherwise for about half the people on the same side of the city as the target airport, it would make more sense to drive. For example, a hop from KCHD to KFFZ is not really that enjoyable.