NEW Pilots of America Member Map

Jim Logajan

Staff member
PoA member Graueradler suggested back in June 2013 that a new thread be created that contains a link to the new PoA member map in the first post. The older thread, started by Greebo in November 2005, has a first post that points to a service that no longer exists.

The new (actually created back in November 2012) Pilots of America Member Map is here:

Some brief usage notes that are believed correct as of August 2013 (ZeeMaps naturally may change their user interface in the future):

  • To add a marker showing your location, choose the menu selection "Additions" and then either "Add Marker - Simple" or "Add Marker - Detailed". Either one allows you to add descriptive information and even an image.
  • You should be able to edit the content or location of your markers later - but only when using the same browser that was used to create the markers. If you find you can no longer edit your marker then you need to contact me and ask me to either edit it for you or remove it so you can add it again with corrected info.
  • Nothing should stop you from creating more than one marker. Though you should not create too many; the map is intended to provide a way to advertise your location, the location of fly-ins or other events, and their details.
  • There are a bunch of menu selections that only the admin (me) can use. Otherwise feel free to poke around. Hope this is of some interest or value to PoA members.
  • Anyone having access to the URL can insert markers, including guests. I hope everyone uses their editing capabilities responsibly. I would hate to have to shut down easy edit access.
  • If you are on a mobile device and you wish to add a marker, you first need to click on the "Full Map" menu button. That should take you to the standard display that allows marker additions and editing.
  • If you have suggestions for new marker icons, feel free to let me know what you have in mind - they should be 32x32 pixels (or smaller) PNG images. Pixels with no coloring should be set transparent. The images I started with were drawn by me or were alleged to be in the public domain.
eman1200 said:
"Map loading" never loaded for me......Win7 IE10.
Just tried IE10 on my Win7 system - naturally it worked for me. :(

Since ZeeMaps uses the Google Maps servers, verify that you can view the map there:

You don't happen to have another browser available like Firefox you can try?

Or try this URL (slightly different than the one in the OP but should work):
eman1200 said:
thanks Jim. I could access google maps, although I had issues when upgrading to the latest google maps, it's only able to use the thin version. second zeemaps had the same 'map loading' message. I reverted back to the older version of google maps and tried again, same thang.
Not sure how to resolve your problem. Perhaps a DNS resolution issue or firewall block or who knows what else. I could report the problem to ZeeMaps but I have been unable to replicate it using IE10 on a desktop PC running Win7, so they would presumably have little to go on.

I'm also not clear on what sort of Google maps software you have installed on your machine. I do not have any Google add-ons installed in my Win7 IE10. I have Google Earth add-ons installed for use in Firefox, but I believe Google Earth is a different piece of software from Google maps web service.