Operation Butt Freeze


My boss drops the news that we all had to burn our remaining vacation time before end-of-year a few days ago, so... What the heck.

It is time to go to Nebraska and be beat up by Jesse! :)

What? It's like 10F? ;)

Huh? It gets dark at like 4:30? ;)

And logistics... Room, car... Yadda Yadda.

Probably won't be able to get a DPE?

Sure! Why not?! :) It's all good!

So I'm off to the great frozen plains to let Jesse turn my brain to oatmeal with Instrument training for a week. Departing tomorrow.

No pressure to finish up in this trip, some crazy dude from Denver is just showing up and we get done what we get done. ;)

Only squawk on the airplane is the parking brake failed, ironically... Since we just had a thread on that.

Gotta pack up a lot of crap tonight including my work desk... Haha... No not bad news. We were supposed to do a desk shuffle on Friday afternoon.

Now I'm just moving stuff to an empty desk and I'll finish setting up at the new desk late next week...

Next stop, Lincoln NE! :) :) :)