Oregon pilots??

I noticed that the Colorado contingent seems to get together every once in a while, anything like that in Oregon or the Northwest in general?? (I live on the East side of the Cascades, so I don't have a floatplane endorsement...:D )
I fly rentals out of Creswell (77S) when work and weather permit.

I don't know of any PoA get-togethers as such for this part of the country. Could be we having a bigger contingent of anti-social types. :wink2:
Threefingeredjack said:
Not sure I can find Sunriver from Bend, :wink2: But they have good eats. Let's keep this on the burner for when the sky turns blue.
Well if that isn't enough "challenge," distance-wise, how about Gold Beach? :wink2: I've never been there, so is still on my to-do list.
Summer weather seems to finally be kicking in, so I'm wondering who among the PoA malcontents in Oregon and vicinity are still open to some sort of get together in the next week or three?

(This is also, unfortunately, probably the time when people are out and aboot enjoying that same weather and less likely to find a mutually workable schedule.)
Old Geek said:
I'll be heading up to MMV for the Great Oregon Steamup.


Anyone else going to be there?
My wife's brother loves that sort of thing - but he is in Illinois! I find that stuff somewhat interesting but doubtful I would go just for that - if I do go I'd also visit the Evergreen Museum (again.)

EDIT: Just noticed where they are located - closer to Salem than McMinnville.
kimberlyanne546 said:
We are thinking something after 11am, at O69 in Petaluma on Wednesday July 4. Right now I believe there are 5 or less pilots.
Just far enough from me to make for a long day of flying there and back. :(
kimberlyanne546 said:
If we (my boyfriend and I) went camping on a weekend for one overnight at either Shelter Cove or Columbia - do they have camping - would any of you be interested?

That is on my "to do list" and I would like to do so within the next month or two. We would bring dog(s).

You mean Shelter Cove California? That would be within my travel range for a late lunch meetup on some weekend.
kimberlyanne546 said:
Cool, and yes that is what I meant. I've been warned though that as a VFR pilot I will be lucky to get in and out of there (fog). We shall see.
Fog would be my main concern also. Mild inland temperatures (I think) or an offshore breeze would need to be forecast to make it comfortably probable of landing and leaving. I know fog typically burns off by midday along the coastal areas of California that I'm familiar with. But I have seen a wall of it suddenly move from offshore into the coast like some harbinger of doom in a horror movie.

What about Columbia?
You mean near Columbia Airport (O22)? Unfortunately that would be farther from 77S than even O69.
John221us said:
I would be up for a camping trip. I flew into Eureka for a half marathon a month or so ago and camped out the night before. There is an airport closer to the campground I stayed at (about 2 miles) that is inland more and probably misses most of the fog. It is Roehnerville (FOT). That should be in range of the Oregon crowd and is about 10 or 15 miles from Humboldt and the Avenue of the Giants. Also Garberville is on the other side of Humboldt.
That is certainly a possibility - but I think this is turning into a "West coast" or "California" PoA get-together thread without a thread name change. Perhaps you or Kimerbly can start another thread so more West coasters are likely to read it?

Sunriver or Independence Oregon are somewhat more central locations for the tiny handful of Oregon pilots who are likely to be interested in getting together but still want to minimize Hobbs time costs.
Didn't mean to run everyone off. :(

I found a bunch of Shelter Cove (0Q5) aviation videos on Youtube that have piqued my interest. So I'm interested in flying down there at some point.

I'm also still interested in meeting up with anyone in Oregon.
kimberlyanne546 said:
Cool, care to post links? I am afraid I haven't been able to get a date out of the BF (he has a lot going on) but I will talk to the plane people this weekend to find out the rules (there are minimums when I take the plane overnight, I want to see if I can bring dog / dogs in crates in the back etc). Obviously the plane has to be available for an entire weekend too. Not sure how rare that is, haven't looked at booking the 172 that long.
First, I found a link with helpful live weather webcams which could come in handy in checking the marine layer situation before launching:


Just search Youtube for Shelter Cove Airport - you'll find a fair number of people have made videos of their landings. Here are a couple examples.

Right pattern to runway 12:

Left pattern to runway 30: