Pilots have lower emotional IQ


Staff member
Who would have thought that? ;)

”Comparisons on global trait EI and the four trait EI factors revealed significant differences, with pilots scoring consistently lower than their matched counterparts in global trait EI, Well-being, Emotionality, and Sociability, but not Self-control.”

"Emotional Intelligence" has always struck me as similar to "jumbo shrimp" or "approximately accurate." Alone, each word/quality has a place and is valued. When paired, they become meaningless.
"Emotional Intelligence" has always struck me as similar to "jumbo shrimp" or "approximately accurate." Alone, each word/quality has a place and is valued. When paired, they become meaningless.
Probably not the best terminology. They are measuring some traits about emotional reactivity, but why call it intelligence?

I suspect it was an attempt to sort of legitimize those emotional traits and get them more recognition.

I suppose the original papers using that term may discuss this.
"Emotional Intelligence" has always struck me as similar to "jumbo shrimp" or "approximately accurate." Alone, each word/quality has a place and is valued. When paired, they become meaningless.
"Military Intelligence", "near miss", "pretty ugly", "cheap airplane"...the list goes on.
Making decisions based on objective reality instead of your fee fees sounds like a good thing to me. But of course more research is needed, we need to keep finding things to do and reasons for grant money for all these PhDs. No offense to those of you with PhDs.
I had to look up emotional intelligence, but it sounds a bit vague still. The study notes " forty-four pilots who volunteered to participate were primarily male (93%.)" If you took 44 men who were not pilots would you see this similar dearth of putative emotional intelligence? If you took 44 female pilots what would you see? The fact Nature accepted this just proves the publication does not warrant its reputation as a serious journal
My sister was an "Emotional Intelligence Life Coach" as one of her many unsuccessful forays into gainful employment. Hence my jaded opinion of the term. Both terms actually... I'm skeptical of "life coach" too.
There’s a YouTube creator I listen to that absolutely excoriates life coach and other forms of therapists as well as just about all liberal arts majors that result in jobs that don’t literally produce food, shelter and energy needed to sustain all of us. He’s a real Asshole. I love listening to him tear new ones for people with a liberal arts major, lots of student debt, expecting someone else to pay it off for them, and living in mom’s basement. Not judging, I myself wasted six years getting a double major in worthless liberal arts before I saw the light and went for a STEM degree. At least I paid off my $7,000 student debt myself, with my engineering job.