Plane for the mission?


New member
Now that my plane is pretty much sold, I need to think about my next one. Here is my mission. Obviously there are a lot of options, but it seems, due to my budget, getting everything might be tough. The budget is about $50K.

mission requirments.PNG
John221us said:
I'd heard he sold it. It could work. No autopilot is a bummer, though. They aren't cheap to install.
It is early in your search of course, so a bit premature to consider abandoning one of your requirements.
j1b3h0 said:
Even better would be an RV-6
Seats 4 adults was one of the requirements. Under $50k was another. Those two eliminate all the RVs. In fact I can't think of any experimental - new or used - that would fit.

I have seen some used IFR equipped Piper 235s for sale that would probably fit most or all his requirements. It would have the advantage of being in the same family as his 140.