Portable ADS-B out for renters for under $3300

Jim Logajan

Staff member
Looks like Skyvision Xtreme has packaged up a NavWorx ADS600-B ADS-B transceiver to produce a portable box (briefcase really) with not only ADS-B In, but Out as well for $3295 (price is mentioned by company principal Harry Sanders in an AVweb podcast.) The Out (transmitter) is needed to increase the utility of the traffic alerting aspect. Acts as a Wifi access point, allowing it to be used with tablets like the iPad. Pricey, but less than the $10k I once read was the likely price for such a thing. Would be nice to see the transceiver prices fall under $1500 someday....
TMetzinger said:
I'm also waiting to hear if NON-TSO'ed ADS-B out will come under regulatory scrutiny. Nobody really cares if you make a receiver. Transmitter? May be different.
Even though NavWorx ADS-B transmitter is not yet TSO'ed by the FAA, it is FCC approved: http://www.navworx.com/articles04.php

According to a response by NavWorx president to this blog (scroll down to comments) the FAA created a specification to allow non-certified devices. Since it looks like it costs $600 to get a copy of that spec, DO-282B, I haven't reviewed it myself.