Prison survival kit

falconkidding said:
Perhaps a bit tacky on the cops part. I get the anger, but I think being in the LE world you should at least keep a public face of professionalism.
This. The cop should actually get some type of demerit.

A sentence to prison should not be a sentence to physical attacks. There are people in prison for non-violent offenses who are abused and that is not a funny or amusing problem in today’s judicial system.
tawood said:
You sure seem out there Peter...but you keep sticking those daisy’s in the rifle barrels while repeating “police officers are not human beings”.
Wow. Did I ever say any of these things? I don’t think so, but please feel free to quote where I did if I am mistaken.

Sort of ironic to comment about daisys in rifle barrels given that I am a reasonably well known gun rights activist.
tawood said:
I don’t know about that, but I’m thinking that Peter believes the cop shouldn’t take it so personal when he was shot in the face.
No actually I think people should take it quite personally when they are shot or even have loaded weapons pointed at them.

I also think that LEOs, by virtue of their position in society, should take their ability to legally use physical violence quite seriously and shouldn’t be making fun of people being assaulted while serving their sentence. It presents a very non-professional image which is likely to destroy the trust which citizens have placed in them.
tawood said:
Agreed. And I’m sure he’ll be facing some kind of light discipline for it. I’m also sure he doesn’t care that he’s facing some discipline and in his shoes i can’t blame him
And therein probably lies a difference in attitude, also reflected by “whatever”. The fact that LEOs think “hey whatever, I can get away with making fun of citizen’s being assaulted and won’t face any drastic consequences that I care about”, is in essence how LEOs lose the trust of their communities. It strikes people as being an attitude of entitlement and being above the law.
tawood said:
You’re assuming too much by my “whatever”. And what law did this officer break?
It appears the original traffic stop was legal (if perhaps ill-advised with son in the car) and the officer was fully justified in using lethal force in response to the attack (as would any citizen). The shooter committed a very serious crime and I would agree the sentence is reasonable.

I don’t know exactly the law governing police conduct in court. Probably his conduct could be considered a form of contempt if the judge were so inclined. If it were a normal citizen speaking out in a public space in such a manner, I think it would fall under the doctrine of free speech. So I don’t know that the officer violated any law per se.

But LEOs are usually held to a higher standard when appearing in public in their official capacity. And I do think his behavior, while not outright illegal, reflects poorly on him and his department. It strikes one as vindictive and advocating that the convict be the victim of further crimes. Is that the sort of thing we want LEOs advocating?
tawood said:
The irony was intentional as I was already aware of what you’ve done.
And although I’m also a second amendment activist, I consider actions like the stunts you pull as being counter productive.
Well that could be an interesting discussion of tactics, though one that has been extensively discussed on forums like If you like to continue that, feel free to start a new thread an PM me a pointer to it. It sounds like we would disagree on the issue of effectiveness.
tawood said:
The irony was intentional as I was already aware of what you’ve done.
And although I’m also a second amendment activist, I consider actions like the stunts you pull as being counter productive.
Well that could be an interesting discussion of tactics, though one that has been extensively discussed on forums like If you like to continue that, feel free to start a new thread and PM me a pointer to it. It sounds like we would disagree on the issue of effectiveness.

Have you read my piece about open carry at
Norman said:
Unfortunately there are "cop haters" out there. At the end of a slow chase Eric Overall was intentionally run down and killed by one of them. I'm hoping the guy is convicted of first degree murder and spends the rest of his years in prison followed by a sentence of keeping the fires of Hell burning.
Do you really think this is a case of a cop hater per se? It appears from reports that the suspect claimed he was god - which makes one suspect mental illness or acute drug intoxication.

He had four prior marijuana convictions and a resisting arrest conviction. The first four are non-violent (some would say victimless) crimes and the latter may well have directly resulted from the attempt by the police to use physical force to enforce the laws regarding marijuana.

It is entirely possible that this whole tragic incident stems from marijuana being illegal in that state. Speculative yes, but if this suspect had been allowed to legally purchase and use marijuana, would this incident have evolved as it did? Perhaps but also reasonably likely not.

Let me also head off some objections - I don’t think the use of these type of drugs is a good idea for anyone - they are often quite horrible for people’s health. Nonetheless my own view is that trying to use police violence to prevent drug use is a “cure” worse than the “disease”.