Professional Pilot (Opinions of a non-pilot)


New member
Guys I have to say that I am truly disappointed about the lack of pay professional pilots are receiving. Throughout my time on this message board I have seen figures ranging from $45,000 dollars a year to as little as $18,000 which I find truly pathetic. I've heard the terms "glorified bus driver" being thrown around and that truly disturbs me. In my mind being a pro-pilot should be seen as a truly vital service whether it be cargo or humans being transported. In my mind the skill set necessary to professionally transport cargo and people in all weather conditions is something that truly is deserving of more recognition, respect, and of course BETTER pay. Like any industry the quality of personnel will suffer unless the value of the service is truly recognized and appreciated.
For you pro's out there that work for the love of flying and the service you provide I commend you in a major way. Keep up the good work. Okay, my rant is over.
NineThreeKilo said:
it's not like going to college for a job, showing up for class, graduating and walking into that job.
Boy do I feel terrible now that everyone knows how I got my BSc in physics. I just showed up for the amazing tuition-free courses on things like calculus, quantum, electrodynamics, statistical and thermal physics, electronics, computer science, and lab work, let the homework and exams practically do themselves, and then graduated. Simple! No fuss, no student debt! Then I just walked into my programming jobs; nobody asked me during interviews to write code on a blackboard, review my knowledge of computer science, or arcane programming trivia, or ask about past employment.

I hate when people spill the secret of how easy college really is and how it lets you magically into high paying easy jobs! Shhh!