Prozac use/OCD FAA medical denial


New member
My son is a minor, 17 yrs.. He is interested in becoming a commercial pilot and recently received a letter of denial for his 1rst class medical from the FAA. The reason for the denial was "history of trichotillomania" which was diagnosed when he was 15 as he was pulling hair from the front of his head (about the size of a quarter)-being the good mom that I am-I took him to a Psych/ARNP who put him on Prozac (40 mg) for about 1 year which immediately stopped the pulling behavior. He has been off this medication for at least 9 months with no return of the behavior. Is there any chance if we get a Psychiatric eval and all his treatment notes sent to the FAA that he will ever get a first class medical? We are very discouraged and not sure if he should pursue this career now-we were going to tour Embry-Riddle next week... Thanks for your advice. Dana
Also, perhaps consider starting to learn to fly in gliders. They really do teach how a set of wings and controls handles in the air. A private certificate for gliders can then later be upgraded to powered flight.