So I just did the IFR Magazine Sim Challenge for this month. I did this because I need practice with flying GPS and the 750 and because it was a local flight from Cottonwood (P39) to Prescott (KPRC). I have the nice Reality XP simulator for X-Plane installed.
Ceilings were set low about 200’ AGL and with a strong tail wind for the ILS 21.
Man did I have a hard time with that. Approach was all over the place and the blowing clouds induced a sort of disorientation. In real life would have gone around 3 miles out. But I pushed on as it was just the simulator. I just barely managed to avoid crashing and got it on the ground with some wild maneuvers.
A very good exercise and enough to scare me into never attempting such a thing in real life. For now I am quite happy with personal minimums of 500’ above the stated minimums.
Ceilings were set low about 200’ AGL and with a strong tail wind for the ILS 21.
Man did I have a hard time with that. Approach was all over the place and the blowing clouds induced a sort of disorientation. In real life would have gone around 3 miles out. But I pushed on as it was just the simulator. I just barely managed to avoid crashing and got it on the ground with some wild maneuvers.
A very good exercise and enough to scare me into never attempting such a thing in real life. For now I am quite happy with personal minimums of 500’ above the stated minimums.
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