So what did you think of Ariel Tweto's first solo?

Tarheel Pilot said:
Honestly the show makes me cringe whenever they try to stir up drama by misrepresenting aviation.

The part that makes me cringe the most is when they (incorrectly) stated that light aircraft are VFR only, and heavier/larger aircraft have more sophisticated equipment for IFR.
According to 121.159, single engine airplanes can't be used for Part 121 air carrier operations at all.

For Part 135, there are a bunch of requirements for IFR above and beyond those found in Part 91 that appear to make it difficult to equip small single engine reciprocating airplanes for IFR, so most such single engine charter ops are limited to VFR. At least that is my understanding.

Others who are more knowledgeable about such things may wish to correct or clarify.
racer11 said:
She did o.k. I also would have thought her dad would have been there to see it, so who knows if it was a re-enactment.
If the past is any indication, it is likely he wasn't around during her solo. I note that only because there is this from the bio on Ferno from the Discovery website:

"Ferno and Jim have worked side by side to build their company from its simple beginnings, making many sacrifices along the way. On the day of their wedding Jim didn't return home from work until 6am, exhausted from a long night of flying cargo across Alaska. He managed to make it through the ceremony, but afterwards went straight home to bed while Ferno celebrated the day with his brothers. Ferno wasn't too pleased about Jim's absence, but they have developed a give and take in their relationship that has allowed them to live and work together 24/7 and still enjoy each other's company"