SSRI continue or stop?


New member
Wondering if anyone could provide me with some advice.

I am currently on SSRI (escitalopram). Been on same dose for >7 years. Prior to that, a depression episode about 7 years previous at uni which had me on sertraline for about 12 months. I have been intending to come off the SSRI as the conditions to which I reacted don't exist any more.

A couple of months ago I put in my application for 1st class. AME seemed pretty uncertain as to how to go about it all, however my intention (which she noted in the application) was to come off the meds and reapply for regular issuance (decision path I).

Some time later I get the demand letter from the FAA requiring the HIMS assessment, Psychiatrist report, COGscreen AE, etc. Basically it seems that even though their "process" seems to indicate that a SI is not required if you are off the meds for 60 days - they still require it!

Should I bother with trying to follow decision path I? The AME might be able to issue after the 60 days off meds - but would the FAA turn around and request the HIMS assessments anyway?

Note I am not asking for advice as to whether I should or should not continue SSRI use from a health perspective - asking only insofar as certification processes are concerned. I will be working with my own doc either way.

Any advice appreciated.
As indicated by Dr. Chien, there will be some subtle questions here from the FAAs perspective. Best to get in touch with one of the senior HIMS AMEs (2 on the forum) to assess in detail the chances of success and proper procedure.