TCAS & ADS-B question


New member
I'm trying to figure out if ADS-B can receive information from other transponders that were just interrogated by a TCAS?
In other words say there are three aircraft in the area, one with an ADS-B, one with a mode C transponder (and nothing else), and another with a TCAS. When the TCAS interrogates the aircraft with a mode C, would the aircraft with the ADS-B receive the location of the aircraft with the mode C?

I was able to find some stuff on this online but none of those sources there reliable. I also don't really want to go out and test this as it might take a long time for me to find those two aircraft in the same area that is not covered by a ground radar.

I know that the Zaon PCAS units estimate distance based on the strength of the signal. The absolute number isn't as much value as the trending information (a shrinking number gets your attention more than one that is staying the same or increasing.)