The testing center has accused me of cheating on my IR written.

I just passed my written exam. Got the results and all is good.
Today I get the email below. I spoke to the FSDO and they had no idea what this means.

I am on the phone w/ the testing center now and they said there is an investigation underway into potential cheating.

What in the actual hell????

They gave me 2 pencils, 2 pieces of paper and a test supplement.
Also I had an old metal style school E6B.


We regret to inform you that your account has been put on a registration hold. This means that any appointment you have currently scheduled will be cancelled and you will no longer be able to register for new exams.

Please contact your local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) -


Ugh. Could it be someone who was on the receiving end of some humor decided to make an anonymous report? Did others know you were taking the test that day?

I will be very interested to hear what comes of this.
frfly172 said:
Humor has no place in the FAA hierarchy.
Usually the people who enforce these rule hierarchies take them rather seriously.

One time a student turned a receipt for a new coffee maker for the lab to be reimbursed. Description of expense was “programmer refueling device”. Our department administrator was not amused :emoji17:
I appreciate @SixPapaCharlie ‘s humor a fair amount. And I hope he is able to continue. OTOH, I don’t ever expect the FAA or their testing contractors to have any sense of humor about these things.