Video of San Francisco Flying

Thanks to my iPhone carrying passenger (my cousin). The guy in the back is my Dad. This was a very special thing since Matt is my cousin and along with that I had my father - first family members in the plane.

The duck is going to fly with me from now on, that was his first flight. He will be my good luck charm. I call him "Duckie." It was also to honor the Babes and Airplanes.

This is on a weeknight, a few weeks ago, after work. Probably around 7-8pm or something. Couldn't get too close to the Golden Gate Bridge, those clouds caused a little turbulence.

Sac Arrow said:
If any one of us Bay Arianders had ever done that, we damn sure wouldn't post pictures or videos of it.

Just sayin.....
Unless you're flying a helicopter, in which case it can and presumably has been done legally. One Youtube example: