Why, there oughta be a law!


New member
I will refrain from further interfering with the very good thread regarding the violation of a pilot for failing to log a GPS database update by starting this thread on the topic of "What about all these irritating and completely unnecessary laws?"

"The current edition of the (Federal) code was published in 2006, and according to the US Government Printing Office, it's over 200,000 pages long."

(That is Federal only. The state and local laws might be even more numerous.)

Anyone know how many new laws we 'get' each year? I could not find an answer - I think that is because it is so unwieldly, no one can physically count it.

What is the inside the minds of those who seek to multiply our laws, rules, regulations astoundingly so? Is it the goal of these lawmakers to prevent every future wrong, or to somehow make the perfect society? Is there some perverse enjoyment at the thought of this imagined, completely-orderly world?
(Sometimes I wonder if we erroneously gave lawmakers too many resources in the past, and now they cannot be stopped in their quest to assert 'perfect control' over us with more laws each year.)

And more importantly; why do most of us happily accept this situation......indeed many seem to enjoy the intellectual exercise of studying what has been foist upon us? Frankly, the new laws drive me nuts....although I make the effort to comply like everyone else.

Eventually they will make so many laws that they cannot be enforced. (some say we are there already)

America Mired in Morass of Laws and Regulations

When it comes to aviation, there is no limit to imaginative new laws, all in the interest of Zero Accidents. Play that safety card, and the voices wanting to discuss the downsides to a new law are soon stifled. No one is saying safety is unimportant, but we are heading to the point where Zero Aviation is the current means to Zero Accidents.

"The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government."