This guy captures my own observations of some of the science and technical articles in Wikipedia. It hasn't become unusable, yet, but caveat lector is essential.
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Not to mention egos. I've drawn hellfire down on myself for correcting typos.Having been involved fairly extensively in edits at Wikipedia regarding the Andrew Wakefield fraud I can comment on this. Basically Wikipedia now has so many rules and guidelines that an editor there can always find a reason to disapprove an edit or correction. So this creates a situation where their internal biases become essentially the determining factor in what gets in.
Not to mention egos. I've drawn hellfire down on myself for correcting typos.
Is that a correct use of "myself"?
That reminds me of a 9 year old Weird Al Yankovic video I only just discovered this last month. Guess I'm falling behind on contemporary culture.Is that a correct use of "myself"?