Yes you heard their names correctly. MUST WATCH!

ClimbnSink said:
I can't believe the country is laughing about a racist prank. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Humor has its place even in tragedy, but some attempts at humor merely expose more tragedy. I agree with you that this is one such case.

Telling people they should be ashamed is a futile effort.
flyingron said:
Asiana is shocked, shocked that someone would portray their incompetent pilots in such a light.
You're assuming the butt of the joke was just the pilots. While growing up I heard jokes about "Pollacks" with the last names deliberately mangled for humor. (I have an uncle who is of Polish descent; my own last name is Romanian.) The jokes might have been triggered by some individual's mistake worthy of derision, but since I sometimes knew the people making the jokes I knew they weren't thinking of insulting just that individual. Their target was the whole group.

So forgive some of us for being skeptical about the intended target.

Anyway, since it shouldn't be that difficult to make humor without being a bone-head, why do it? And why do the equivalent of an Internet high-five over this prank?

Anyway, the count is now 3 dead. Unknown number who are likely to have injuries for the rest of their lives.
bartmc said:
The media seems to make a mockery of any sort of airplane incident, seems only fair, if not karma. Besides, we can't dictate what they report, this was the news medias incompetence on display....sweet.
Sorry - I missed that the target of the amusement was ambiguous. So some think it is funny because it shows what a bunch of untrained naive schmucks the news media employs. Others think it is funny because they believe it rightly belittles the pilots who killed several people through incredible incompetence when their professionalism was most needed. And of course there are those who think it is funny because they believe it rightly belittles a culture or race they don't approve of.
wsuffa said:
And your calling the news media employees names is therefore acceptable? :dunno:
I wasn't expressing my own views. I was listing several possible groups and my guess as to their probable views.
JGoodish said:
There is no hypocrisy. The crew screwed up in a disastrous way, and it's only people with your mindset who are inserting race into the crew's mistakes. The crew could have been white American males with false American names attributed to them, and the intent nor appropriateness would have been no different.
I must have missed the jokes with corrupted names after the Colgan and AF 447 crashes, among other crashes involving white pilots. It shouldn't be that hard to find CFIT accidents involving white pilots, so if there is only humor and no underlying racial component involved, it shouldn't be too hard to find jokes that make fun of their names.
txflyer said:
The level of human guilt and "I'm better than you, because I'm more PC than you." is sickening in this thread...
The Dachau concentration camp was sickening.
The Nanking Massacre was sickening.
The Soviet Gulag was sickening.
Atrocities too numerous to list here are sickening.

But I haven't read anything anyone has posted here that rates the use of the word "sickening."

Against my better judgement I decided to post my thoughts about the prank. I pretty much anticipated all the counter-arguments and insults that would result. I only decided to post to let silent lurkers know that not everyone laughing should be given an automatic pass. Life is short and I'm not getting any younger, so it is modestly satisfying to take the occasional public stand against boorish stupidity.
txflyer said:
Did I address you specifically? I don't remember addressing you. I don't know who you're talking to in that last part.... :confused:
My mistake - I didn't realize that only you are allowed to make posts addressed to no specific person.