Search results

  1. PilotDave

    Smoke from Canada

    I was in DC this week. It was very hazy with the smoke. One mile visibility at times.
  2. PilotDave

    Side slipping Debonairs?

    I never noticed an issue in the bonanza. Only flew the debonair a handful of times more than two decades ago. Not sure if there were significant differences in the two.
  3. PilotDave

    Trent Palmer appeal

    I’m not very happy about how the FAA went about this but Palmer is not being honest. He buzzed that guys house under the guise of an inspection pass. I support action against him but I think the FAA people were being lazy.
  4. PilotDave

    Ex-UK Military Pilots Paid to Help PRC Military

    Definitely not a good decision for work after leaving military service.
  5. PilotDave

    Airplane recommendation

    Just curious why she doesn’t like the bo in the clouds. That airplane is one of the most stable and easy to fly in imc I’ve flown. If she doesn’t like the bo it’s unlikely anything will be ok for IFR. Smaller and less complex will also be lighter and less stable requiring more effort to fly...
  6. PilotDave

    Starting a flying club

    I vote for Pactola in the name and electronic initial contacts to organize an initial meeting. Good luck starting the club. I have often considered doing the same but always let it pass.
  7. PilotDave

    Sonex/C172 Midair - Boulder CO - 17 Sep 22

    Sad outcome, especially when one considers how challenging it is for two objects to occupy the same space time.
  8. PilotDave

    Some training in the Enstrom F28 Helicopter.

    Helicopters are just to much fun.
  9. PilotDave

    WSJ article on Spin Training

    This is my stance as well. Any flying with an instructor that explores the edge of the envelope is good experience. The trick is doing it safely. It’s also getting harder to find instructors capable of those lessons. I think we are past to point of being able to require spins in primary...
  10. PilotDave

    Flying pictures worth sharing.

    You should attach a picture. I’m sure you have a few worth sharing ;-)
  11. PilotDave

    Flying pictures worth sharing.

    We have to have one. This is from my last time out of the shed. Sierra Nevada mountains on the way to coastal California.
  12. PilotDave

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    Awesome. Thank you @Jim Logajan
  13. PilotDave

    Who says PA28s can't climb?

    north up. Don’t care about where the wing is bolted on. Just like the best tool for the job.
  14. PilotDave

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    Thanks for the info. Will definitely get it resolved it seems. As to having the board scrub metadata, I see no negatives.
  15. PilotDave

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    I was once allowed use of a friends ride and was named on policy. I still carried my own to cover deductibles or uncovered liabilities from the owners policy. It must have been cheap because I don’t remember what it cost and I was broke at the time.
  16. PilotDave

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    I wanted to start up a pictures thread but would like to strip off the metadata/EXIF first. I live in the Macintosh universe so no access to windows solutions. Any suggestions?
  17. PilotDave

    Starting a flying club

    Busy fellow.
  18. PilotDave

    C182S training - any hints?

    I always preferred to be slightly out of trim with a heavy nose if I had to go around late in the landing. Not much. Just a touch. If you’re to aggressive it’s possible to run out of elevator authority for the flare. In the 172 it really didn’t matter. The 182 is just heavy enough on the nose...
  19. PilotDave

    C182S training - any hints?

    Pitch trim is your friend.
  20. PilotDave

    What is next for GAMI G100UL avgas.

    I hope it gets fast tracked into distribution and the LL goes away. One arrow out of the anti-airport quiver.