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  1. Scrabo

  2. Scrabo

    First week back at the office in 2 years and I just realize what I was missing every 2 minutes

    First week back at the office in 2 years and I just realize what I was missing every 2 minutes
  3. Scrabo

    Flight through Monument Valley, 2016

    Credit the wife on that one
  4. Scrabo

    Flight through Monument Valley, 2016

    Forgot to add this one which is my favorite
  5. Scrabo

    Flight through Monument Valley, 2016

    I love it up there, used to do it every thanksgiving period but not so much in recent years
  6. Scrabo

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    Affinity Photo offers Mac and PC editing apps that can do that. great editor for approx $35 when on sale, can do most of what photoshop can does, if not better
  7. Scrabo

    Starting a flying club

    The other thing about a club is the insurance may impose additional restrictions like the one we got hit with, any club pilot over 75 year old, must have another pilot under 75 in the other seat. We have looked at removing that restriction but that would add another 50% to the cost
  8. Scrabo

    Sedona 4/25/2021 Luckily no one was badly injured 288GF 1966 182 r
  9. Scrabo

    Small plane crash lands KDVT
  10. Scrabo

    Planning to attending the AOPA flying in Prescott Az

    Anyone in AZ planning on going ? If so, might be worthwhile organizing a mini meet and greet lunch thingy
  11. Scrabo

    WingX 8 is out

    From the iTune store... What's New in Version A lot of V8 power in this significant update and a lot of new features and improvements - here are the highlights including a vastly-improved routing engine with easy editing even if you have fat fingers. This new routing engine with fully...