19. Have you visited any health professionals within the last 3 years?


I'm in the process of filling out my 8500-8 for my annual first class flight physical, and have visited a clinic twice in the previous two years, once for strep throat, the other time for a skin lesion (both previously reported). I also get an annual eye exam to ensure I meet the 20/20 vision standards that are required.

In the process of moving, I've lost copies of my previous 8500-8's. In the past, I could write on the form "previously reported", but with MedXPress I no longer have this option. Since I've lost the pertinent information of doctor's names and dates, what is the most ethical and reasonable thing to do? I haven't visited a health professional this year, other than to check my vision again (with no change to my current prescription).

Please advise the best course of action. I do not intend to deceive the FAA, but since they have my other forms on file, I don't want to raise any questions in OKC, either.

Thank you.
Not the one addressed, but this being a public forum....

I'm in the process of filling out my 8500-8 for my annual first class flight physical, and have visited a clinic twice in the previous two years, once for strep throat, the other time for a skin lesion (both previously reported). I also get an annual eye exam to ensure I meet the 20/20 vision standards that are required.
Current instructions for item 19:

Per the instructions in the Guide for AMEs (can't find this anywhere else on the FAA web site,) you don't need to list routine eye exams:Routine dental, eye, and FAA periodic medical examinations and consultations with an employer-sponsored employee assistance program (EAP) may be excluded unless the consultations were for the applicant's substance abuse or unless the consultations resulted in referral for psychiatric evaluation or treatment.