Another alcohol abuse question


New member

I've been reading through a bunch of these threads reading about how the FAA deals with alcohol abuse, I had a few questions on what I should report. I currently hold my 3rd class medical and I'm thinking about eventually perusing a career in aviation.

About myself I did drink very heavily in my early/mid 20's as I worked in a sales role where we went out quite often. I would drink most nights of the week either out with friends or at home by myself, this went on for about 3 years. Starting in 2018/19 I knew I had to cut back so I got myself to drinking under 10 drinks a week.

I never discussed my binge habits of my early/mid 20's with my doctor at my last appointment in 2019 but I did mention I was drinking on average 10 drinks a week on the lifestyle questionnaire I had to fill out. Luckily everything was normal such as blood pressure, heart rate and the blood test was normal as well.

When COVID first started there was about two months where the nasty habit came back to daily drinking, luckily through running and online programs (such as reddit stop drinking) I'm back on track to maintaining a mostly sober lifestyle. It's only been a few months but I feel pretty good about this going forward and even if it's not for flying it's what's best for me.

Anyway for my question is regarding 18o. There was a point where I was physically dependent and I was abusing alcohol for a few years. I never had any major withdrawals requiring a hospital or a program. Should I answer yes on question 18o? I feel like moving forward I'm done with drinking and it won't be a problem in my life anymore, I'm just very concerned that it may be to late and I'd have to go down the HIMS route if I answer "Yes" to that. There is no public record of my alcohol abuse, if I can continue to maintain this sober lifestyle would I face any issues if I put "No" down?

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