CFI notifying the student pilot in advance the date of their first solo?


New member
I think I already know the answer to this question but some first solo posts around this board and other aviation forums cause me to think twice on this.

Ok here is the question.

I think the common practice for letting the first solo is letting the student pilot know that the CFI is getting out of the plane after good consistency in takeoffs, landings, and patternwork. This is usually impromptu and most likely unexpected for the student.

However, I am reading a few posts on this board and other aviation message boards that the student is EXPECTING their first solo tomorrow or on a particular date. Is it common for a CFI to let their student know that they will try to get them to solo on a particular date?

I know I want to get to my first solo hopefully soon before I go back to college, but when I am ready for it. I did a flight lesson today doing crosswind takeoffs and landings and flying the pattern. I thought I was close to my first solo, but I think I still need improvement on it. Plus there were a few other required presolo tasks that I have not covered yet or had little experience in. Basically, I don't know if I feel confident just yet for my first solo. I want to solo when I am ready, even if that means not soloing this summer and hopefully during my college winter break.
Since I was expected to take a pre-solo written and my CFI and I discussed the solo the day before, it wasn't impromptu or unexpected. He taught under Part 61 regs.

The only reason I can think why a CFI would announce solo unexpectedly might be because it gives a student less time to chicken out. Not sure that is a good reason, though.