Full Power Run-up?

I do a full power run up during the yearly condition inspection, and monitor the RPM rise on every takeoff. I should be able to tell if it isn’t turning up normally. At my home field, I’ve got plenty of room for an abort. For that matter, there are few runways around here so short I couldn’t abort.

Ron Wanttaja
When I would fly into airports above 3000 MSL I would do a full power run-up in order to adjust the mixture to max rpm. Otherwise no. Just the usual mag check and carb heat rpm.
I was taught to do them every time except if you’re doing full stop pattern work. But wdik.
I do a runup to 2000rpm prior to the first take off after starting the engine and taxiing... mag checks, carb heat, fuel pressure, oil temp, suction, ammeter, then to idle and additional carb heat check.
Full power? Most POH's don't really have you go full power. In the Cardinal, it's 1800 RPM, NOT full power.
For a regular run-up. But it does talk about full-power run-ups under some circumstances, at least in the 1969 C177A POH. I usually do those at about 2200 RPM, not the full 2700 red-line.

I do a 1800 RPM normal run-up before every take-off. I lean for full power at altitude at about 2200. Which is needed a fair amount in AZ.