GA pilot versus airline pilot rift. What causes it?


New member
Why do so many of you guys who post here seem to have an axe to grind with airline pilots?

I ask as a GA pilot first and an airline pilot second.
BellyUpFish said:
Eh, I don't want to dig them all up. :) It just seems like a trend I've noticed here.

Another board I post on is full of both airline pilots and ga pilots and the bashing/mud slinging/****ing contests are not near as prevalent over there as they are over here..

With that said, there is a message board full of almost nothing but airline pilots that is an absolute joke. :)
Hmmm. I suspect that as a member of the group in question you would be more sensitive than I to such slings and arrows. I've seen clear cases of RV pilot bashing, TSA bashing and Cirrus bashing, and over in the Spin Zone tea party and liberal bashing, but I've seen no comparable amount of airline pilot bashing. What little I could find appears to be just above the noise level. Again, if you have something in mind that triggered this thread, that would help me to understand.