Getting Back Into Flying


New member

I am new to the forum. I got my PPL in 2006 and flew a few hours after that but never got to the comfort level I felt I needed, got frustrated and have not flow much since. I have missed it in a bad way and decided I was going to get current and got my medical and BFR out of the way and am now ready to go.

My concern is that even though I'm "legal", I realize I'm not safe. I want to be safe and proficient and then move on to instrument training.

What would you recommend to "blow off the dust" and re-learn the things I have not used in several years now? Should I just start over completely or should I just review some of my old things? Thank you in advance for all your help!
You'll probably get better advice from the CFIs on here than I can give, but if I were in your shoes I'd practice the usual pattern practice followed by taking trips to nearby airfields.

While it may seem redundant with the BFR you just took, I think practicing slow flight, stalls, steep turns, and such maneuvers would still be advisable.