New member
I don't mean this as a troll - I really don't - but I am the stereotypical guy who is always sitting directly in front of this girl - usually on a red eye flight. "The passengers were quite understanding"? Yeah, right. Sure, for every one that was offering a lollipop there were three who would gladly offer to spank her or lead her to her new seat in that little coat closet in first class.
I know, I know...karma...
Just feeling in an evil mood today 
Elly started to cry and wouldn’t stop. Nor would she sit down — she plopped herself down on the floor in front of her seat and proceeded to throw a temper tantrum.
“I was trying to console her and the stewardess came over and said, ‘Did you buy that seat for her?’ remembers Ms. Kulesza, 31, who is four months pregnant. “I said yes, and she told me my daughter needs to sit in it. I told her I was trying.”
Moments later, an AirTran Airways employee armed with a walkie-talkie addressed Mr. Kulesza.
“Sir, you need to get her under control,” she said.
“We’re trying,” Mr. Kulesza noted.
The passengers, meanwhile, were quite understanding and one of them offered the toddler a lollipop, which she rejected. Then the walkie-talkie woman returned to the Kuleszas’ aisle and displayed the raw tact and diplomacy of Donald Trump.
“Sir, you need to get off the plane,” she announced.
“What?” a stunned Mr. Kulesza asked. “Are you serious?”
“Sir, you need to get off the plane now.”
They got off the plane, while their luggage and car seat flew on to Boston. In the terminal they were directed to an AirTran supervisor, who told the couple that the stewardess was uncomfortable “because you have an unruly child who struck a woman on board.”
Mr. Kulesza was incredulous. “That was her mother,” he explained. “She hit her on the arm. Lady, this is a 3-year-old child we’re talking about.”
“Sir, we don’t differentiate between 3 and 33,” the AirTran supervisor replied. Mr. Kulesza said the woman proceeded to lecture him about child discipline, and how she would never tolerate her children behaving in such a manner, at which point Mr. Kulesza said, “You really need to stop talking now.”

I don't mean this as a troll - I really don't - but I am the stereotypical guy who is always sitting directly in front of this girl - usually on a red eye flight. "The passengers were quite understanding"? Yeah, right. Sure, for every one that was offering a lollipop there were three who would gladly offer to spank her or lead her to her new seat in that little coat closet in first class.
I know, I know...karma...