Going for my Recreational Pilot's Certificate... questions


New member
Hell to all and thank you for any useful advice you can provide me.

I'm well along with my pilots training but feel at this point given my age and needs and desires, going on to get a private pilots certificate will be more or less worthless for me. I can always pursue that later, if I so desire. My only interest is flying for fun. No night flying and no long cross country flying. I only want to go up in good weather and fly VFR around my local area in my little Cessna 150. The 50 mile allowed radius is more than enough for my needs.

That said, we can move on to my questions.

14 CFR 61.101 articles 1, 2 and 3 talk about the "departure airport". Right now, I take lessons at an airport about 25 miles from where I plan to park my plane after I complete the certificate. I'm on my 3rd freelance instructor and would like to stay with that person, if I can. We have not yet discussed my new intentions so I'm just trying to figure out my options.

Can I continue at my current airport and complete the check ride there or is it best (or necessary) that I move to what will be my "departure airport", now, and sign up with a "local" CFI?

(Actually, to an airport close to my future home airport since there are no CFI's there.)

I suppose I can not talk about moving and just stay at this airport until after I get my license... then move. Would that then require me to get some kind of endorsement from a CFI for the new airport, I wonder?

Thanks for the help on this.
Chesterspal said:
Thanks, Peter, for the test outline. I will need to find out what the check ride person for my airport uses so we are on the same page when it comes time to take the test.
They must test to that PTS to issue you a Rec Pilot certificate. However, as you and others have noted, you may have difficulty finding a CFI willing to issue that certificate.