How to get medical clearance

Jimmy H.

New member
As I am exiting high school (age 18), I am very interested in becoming a professional pilot. I am thankful to have found this forum, and am hoping for some sincere advice about how to proceed. There are possible roadblocks to my medical clearance as I discuss below, so I wanted to describe my situation, providing the relevant important information, to see what my future could hold, and what advice I could get to help me best shape that future.

Summary: I have High Functioning Autism and Inattentive ADHD. I also had a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder as a child, and this is no longer a struggle. I had an episode of depression (age 16) where I wanted help and was hospitalized voluntarily. I was never medicated for depression, but have been medicated for ADHD at low level doses.

Details: Currently, I am in all advanced classes with a mix of A's and B's, and have a very good ACT score. I am undeclared for my major as I am entering college in the fall (at age 18), but my college has an undergraduate degree for commercial pilots that I am strongly considering. I was on an IEP for about two years starting in elementary school due to autism/ADHD, but I met all of my academic goals quickly and so I no longer qualified for an IEP by middle school. Therefore, I have been on a Section 504 Plan which basically grants extended time which I rarely use.

I have been on VERY low doses of one ADHD medication, and I (and my prescribing doctor) believe I will function very well without them when I stop taking them. (I had good grades before any ADHD medications were given but they helped me a little bit, mostly as a child.) I have a driver's license with no issues, and I have been active in sports and music throughout high school. My social skills are strong for somebody with Autism.

Two years ago I struggled with depression for a short period of time and was hospitalized voluntarily. I wanted to go, and I recognized that I needed to get help. Since then, I have done really well with therapy and I NEVER took any SSRI's or any other medication for depression. I was a minor at this time, and everything is definitely better.

Given my history above: What should I know before pursuing a pilot's license? Any of your sincere advice is truly appreciated.