If you could pick one training book....


New member
to recommend for a new fixed pilot wanabe what would it be?

I have the FAR and AIM manuals and some Jeppesen training books but looking for an easy to follow, fun to read book that explains much of what the other manuals will cover. I plan to begin my training within the next month. I have not flown in ten years. I started my fixed wing training then and flew 6 hours and stopped. Ten years prior to that I was a helicopter pilot in the Army so I do have my commercial pilot, rotorcraft - helicopter, instrument helicopter certificate.

Looking forward to getting back in the air. Thanks for your suggestions.
Ten years prior to that I was a helicopter pilot in the Army so I do have my commercial pilot, rotorcraft - helicopter, instrument helicopter certificate.
With that kind of background you might have a hard time staying awake reading any of the books that have been suggested.... ;)