Old Guy, New Pilot, New Member

Kenny Lee

New member
Hey guys. 61 y/o old guy from West Tn/West Ky.

I'm about 7 -8 hours into getting my PPL. I may or may not be able to get my FAA medical. I'm Type 2 diabetic. What I've read says as long as my A1C is under 8.9 they should pass me. One can only hope. I also had a Melanoma removed last year. My doctor claims I'm cancer free, and I'm doing everything they recommend to keep a check on things. My AME sent everything off last week. They say with the holidays and their current back log I probably won't hear anything till after the first of the year. I've done all I can for now.

My mission is to be able to tour/fly cross country. I have family in Texas, and Florida. Yes, I could enjoy a Sunday afternoon flight going nowhere in particular, that's not why I'm learning to fly.

I intend to buy a plane to finish my training, but, I'm going to wait till I get my Medical card. I'm not sure what plan I'll buy, but, I'm 100% sure whatever I buy, I'll eventually upgrade to something faster . As I continue training reality seems to change my thoughts on which would be my first plane, and how soon to upgrade. It seems insurance companies don't like new pilots having fast complex planes.

Like most new pilots I still need to work on landings. Last lesson, 2 of 4 landings were good. I think I could land w/o killing myself today if I were alone. I'd prefer to live through it though. I'm in no major hurry to solo or get my PPL. It'll happen when it happens.

I'm using King's Online Pilot course for my studies. I've learned a lot. But, there is a lot more to learn than I realized. I could probably pass the written today, but, I'll keep studying. I see no reason to take the written if my medical gets turned down.

I will write on here occasionally as my training moves forward.