Steps for class 3 medical


New member
Hey everyone!

I've done some reading and searching on this forum regarding the basic best practices for getting my medical. I wasn't able to find any overview type thread and am hoping you can help. I'm sorry, as it's possible this is covered somewhere.

You've advised me not to assume I can pass the medical, which is sound advice. You've also advised don't just fill out forms and stroll in to an AME. I haven't heard anything that would preclude me (altho I do have some colorblindness for shades of red/yellow and am not sure exactly what the FAA can see/find), but it does seem complex with lots of gotchas.

What is an ideal path to getting this done? Do I need an in-person consult with an AME first, to make sure I have my ducks in a row? Is there some kind of checklist of things I should gather? Would TurboMedical be a good idea and effectively accomplish this, so I could schedule the physical with an AME? With the current pandemic lockdown, I'd like to get this scheduled in June and move forward as efficiently as possible.

Thanks in advance!