Student help


New member
I've come across an issue I'm having problems solving and was curious if you guys had any great ideas. One of my students is working on his private written exam and is having trouble passing it. I had him take practice tests at home using the cessna kit which allows me to see scores and what questions he missed. We would then go over those questions together. He was getting high scores (80s/90s) so I let him take the test. He failed. I wasn't sure what was going on so I asked if he was using a book or a cheat sheet at home. He said no. He told me he thinks he may have just gotten nervious. My solution for that was to have him come in and take practice tests on one of our spare computers to put him as close to the environment as I could and also be there to go over questions he missed after he was done. His scores were all over the place, one would be a 72 and another would be a 90. The odd thing was it wasn't in any particular topic. He was missing questions like how to calculate cross winds using a chart just as easily as XC planning even though we've gone over it many times. Eventually he was getting steady scores of 80s so I let him take it again last week. He failed with a 62. Am I missing something I should be doing?
N801BH said:
Hmm. I never knew students that fail tests drag down the rating of the instructor.:eek::eek:

Only regulation I'm aware of is instructor certificate renewal (61.197) in which one option for renewal is to show > 80% student pass rate on the first attempt at the practical in the previous 24 months - and provided the instructor signed off at least 5 students. But seeing as there are several routes to renew, it isn't exactly a punishment so much as it is a carrot (assuming the CFI likes carrots.)
wabower said:
You do now. CFI]s don't get credit for the results of those they sign off for the test, but are in harm's way if the student fails more than once of twice. Or so says our resident fed--but what do they know about life in the city?
Just curious what regulation they would cite a violation on (sorry for the thread drift - I've seen the above claim elsewhere but have been unable to find confirmation.)