Student pilot: 21 year old DUI, sober for 19 years, active in recovery


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Yeah, yeah. Another DUI thread. Apologies. I've read a lot of them here but I haven't found what I was looking for: what to expect.

I'm not even a student pilot yet. Just spoke with someone at a flight school near me who suggested I start the medical certification process. I have.

I also have a DUI from 1999-02-07. It wasn't the first time I drove drunk but the first time I got caught. There was no accident; I was pulled over for speeding. I made a lot of poor decisions at 23 years old. During the arrest, I gave consent for a BAC. I was convicted. I completed all of the sentencing requirements. It wasn't for another two years until I realized I had a problem with alcohol. My last drink was on 2001-03-10. I have been sober and have had an active recovery program in AA for 19 years.

Sadly, I can find no indication of my BAC from that evening. I have the original arrest report. BAC not documented. I have contacted the hospital and had them check their archives. No lab results. Not even the court clerk's office has an indication of what my BAC was 21 years ago so there's literally no way to prove (or disprove) that my BAC was < 0.15. As a result, those data are missing and we move on. I've pulled together the documentation that my AME has told me needs to be forwarded to OKC. It includes a ton of paperwork (e.g., personal essay, arrest report, conviction report, documentation from the mandatory drug/alcohol class, comments from a therapist I saw early in recovery, as well as a short evaluation from a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor from 2001), including admissions that no, I don't drink, that yes, I'm in AA, and yes, I've been in recovery for 19 years. Essentially, everything on the first page of the Drug and Alcohol Initial here.

Though I have wanted to be a pilot my whole life (since toddlerhood!), it's only been recently that I've had the financial means to do so. What can I expect next? Likely 4-6 weeks of waiting, I'm sure, but what should I plan for? Is there a "standard" next for people in my situation? What's the likelihood that I'll have to pay $X,000 to jump through more hoops before I have a 3rd class medical certificate? I'm okay with hoops; that's what happens when you're "in the system." I'm just hoping to be as prepared as I possibly can be.
Tools said:
I may be late to the party... your goal should be to avoid the HIMS program. The best way to do that is to retain a lawyer.

while not used, anecdotally, there is a federal regulation that would allow you to obtain an unrestricted medical. It makes sense to TRY that. I’d google and call a guy Joe LoRusso in Colorado and ask his opinion.
I would be very curious to hear about this other way for the poster to get a medical. Here is a link to the aviation attorney mentioned -