Aircraft Engines vs. Auto Engines


New member
Okay gents what's the overall differences between the two? I know quite a bit about auto engines but very little about aviation engines. Could high HP auto engines work in aviation applications? I assume back in the earlier days of aviation auto engines were used in aircraft applications due to ease of production. Are aviation engines much more heavy duty in terms of the metals used for the blocks, heads, pistons, cranks, etc?? I know cast-iron is out due to weight restrictions.
Modern automobile engines can be used in aircraft. Gearing their higher RPMs down is possible and has been done. For example, I've been following this recent effort:

So far it looks like it is doing good - racking up several hundred hours on several flying machines.

They basically take the core of the Honda Fit/Jazz engine, remove stuff and add back their own machined parts. The Honda engine they are using can run at full power for extended periods; so even Honda used the same engine core for a marine engine:

Viking has a bunch of videos on Youtube:
Geico266 said:
I am not repeating my opinion when new subjects come up on the same thread.
Every one of your posts contained the anecdotes of a few others, along with your views, never any description of your own experience (that I could see.)

Maybe you should stop counting my posts and listen to what I am saying based on my personal and professinal experience and dealing with selling airplanes with these POS bolted on the firewall claiming to be aircraft engines. ;)
This is the first post I see in which you finally make the claim that you have the experience and professional background to judge auto engines in aircraft. I can see how selling aircraft with auto engines might give you insight into their low resale value, but beyond that I missed your other qualifications.

How many aircraft have you built again? How many have you bought and sold? How many have you repaired and sold? How many hours do you have in experimentals? How many auto conversions have you flown? Worked on? :dunno:
I suppose if it was I, rather than you, that had been making a string of strong assertions about auto engines in aircraft, those questions might have some relevance.
Geico266 said:
No, the issue was with Jim that I posted 8 times in the same thread, all different items within the same subject. I didn't realize there are thread police to warn us of how many posts we have made in a thread. :rolleyes:
Too late - I have a warrant for your arrest.