Flying Your Aircraft for Business Purpose as an Employee of a Business

I'm in the oil & gas biz and may have occasion in the future to travel medium distances to fields that my company buys. These (as yet unpurchased) fields are near small towns somewhere in the plains east of the Rockies. It is a royal PITA to get to them via normal air carriers and ruins most or all of a day if you drive (from Denver). Seems like a business case for using my personal aircraft in furtherance of a business (pursuant to Part 91 regs).

I know business owners do this all the time, but since I am an employee of a 200-person company, we're into the muck of liability and policy and HR, etc. It is far far easier for them to simply say "no" than do go through all that mess. And for this reason I have decided not to bring it up** unless/until I have an iron-clad business case for it. Oh and... I am the only pilot that I know of at this company.

I'm curious if anyone out there is using his/her aircraft in furtherance of someone else's business, how big is the company, and (how) did you get them to allow it? What arrangement to pay for it? Can you carry company passengers?

I've read NBAA's discussion of the topic, but it's generic and I'm more interested in some anecdotes from fellow business pilots, especially those who've been the first ones at their company to bring it up.

**EDIT: that is, I have decided neither to bring it up nor to do the deed. That bridge has not, so far, even been built for crossing. But with this thread I am weighing whether it will ever be suitable to do so.

Jim Logajan

Staff member
DJTorrente said:
I used to tell co-workers who questioned my sanity that it was about as dangerous as riding a motorcycle; which I believe to be the case, though I don't recall where I learned that comparison.
Several years ago I started posting links to this document "Cross Modal Safety Comparisons" which contains tabulations of several research attempts on this subject; bottom line is that GA appears to be marginally safer than riding motorcycles:

Note: Definition of GA used by the Australians: