Going for 3rd Class / PP - History of vasovagal syncope

Just wondering what the process for this is going to be. I haven't started anything medical yet. Passed out once in high school during a JROTC emergency medicine class where they were showing gruesome injury pics and tourniquets. Happened again 8 years later in the Army during a combat lifesaver course, same exact scenario, gruesome injury and tourniquet pictures. It's now been 12 years since that second incident. I haven't subjected myself to those kinds of pictures to that extent or the time that was spent on them back then, but have done some medical stuff including give/get IV's, etc., viewed some light gore pics in training, no issues. I think just got better at keeping my mind on the task at hand instead of letting my brain dwell on the unpleasant stimuli. Anyway, would appreciate any input on just how much of a pain this will be. I probably could obtain the medical history where they checked me out the second time and stated it was vasovagal. The first incident when I was a kid, there is just no way. Was living in a different state/city temporarily at the time, and only got checked out by a random urgent care place my mom took me, where they just asked what happened and said it was the blood/gore pics.


Staff member
YC698 said:
So, I did for another job years ago (25 yr/o,) require an ECG as part of a physical (just part of the normal screening for them, not based on med. history) where they found nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay, had me do an echo, found everything completely normal on that, so they stated it was a normal variant and sent me on my way. Would this complicate or help matters? From what I've read the asymptomatic NIVD is an FAA normal variant finding and is typically fine.
I think it will slightly complicate it as it will need to be explained. But you will need current testing as specified by Dr. Chien.