Joke Thread

I had no idea E6Bs were used for space navigation as well!

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Star Trek was influenced by aviation in many ways, since Gene Roddenberry and Matt Jeffries had both been pilots. No doubt there were probably others on staff who had pilot licenses. Even Susan Oliver who was in the first pilot episode was working on her pilot license at the time of her appearance on the show. (I have a copy of her autobiography, Odyssey: A Daring Transatlantic Journey, which chronicles the planning and execution of her solo flight across the Atlantic.)

Someone among them introduced that prop. I personally suspect Jeffries.

This is a good article on many of the ties between aviation and Star Trek:
Guy goes in a pet store and buys a parrot. Takes it home, and immediately the parrot starts using vulgar language and insults.

Day after day, every time he walks past the parrot, it hurls vulgar insults.

Finally one day, this fellow can’t take it any longer. As the parrot is hurling insults, the owner grabs him, opens the freezer door and shoves it in, and slams the door.

After a few minutes, guilt overcomes the owner. He walks over and opens the freezer door. Amazingly the parrot calmly walks out, looks at the owner, and says

“Sir, I wish to apologize for my behavior. I shall not use insults or vulgarities any longer in your home”

Then the parrot looks at the owner, and quietly ask “So, what did the Turkey do to anger you?”