Brain buckets for GA flying


New member
May 2011 Sport Aviation had an article about the CHP's use of GA aircraft.

In that article, it showed CHP officers flying a Cessna 206 and wearing flight helmets. This made me wonder why the need for helmets on the officers, and why not for the rest of us.

I assume the CHP does a lot of low altitude flying. But if massive head trauma is a common cause of death in GA accidents (just guessing here) why don't we ever even talk about helmets in GA flying.

What say you?
I hadn't really considered a helmet (I'm likely to kill myself via blunt force trauma to the torso :() but it is worth looking into. So I did a Google search using the keywords "ANR" and "helmet" and got what appears to be a number of companies that sell ANR kits for existing helmets, as well as helmets with ANR built in, such as these:

That's from the first 4 hits; I haven't looked past them!