flying around the world solo


New member
Hi everyone IM new here.I've always wanted to fly around the globe and will be in 5 years hopefully. What would you say is a suitable plane with good range.If not can anyone recommend a single prop under $80.000.Also can I navigate the globe on a ppl with the proper endorsements.Cheers.
IM from Australia and I would like to come back Alive.
Jimmy cooper said:
I may stand corrected on this but I think two brothers, ( not a solo) did it in a tri pacer just after they graduated from Yale univ. I think it was the 50's. I think their last name was Blue. I recall piper provided the airplane maybe. I would think mooney would be a good choice.
Can't find anything that seems to match that on this chronological listing of all known round the world flights:

Bonanza seems to be a popular choice of aircraft.